The reconstruction of the dam is complete as of December 1, 2016.  The Post-construction meeting was conducted on November 30th  with representatives from DES, HTE Engineering, A.J. Coleman, and LBPVD (Stan Janeczko) in attendance.  DES, Dam Safety approved the reconstruction and gave the go-ahead to begin impoundment/installation of the new stop logs.  The last activity that needs to take place is what is called an “as built” survey.  This will be completed by White Mountain Survey by December 15, 2016.  Once the survey is completed, Stan will receive the final DES documents for LBPVD records.
     The rehabilitation of Tibbets Road is underway.  The rain has made this work effort difficult, but the road should be completed on December 1, 2016.
    Stan will meet with A.J. Coleman at the dam in the Spring for a review to ensure that all their work survived the Winter. 
The last work effort at the dam will be the installation of a security fence/gate at the spillway. LBPVD commissioners will identify the contractor and coordinate installation in the Spring.
Stan is currently in the process of identifying a contractor who can maintain the grass on the earthen dam as well as the foliage surrounding the dam.

December 1, 2016

Lower Beech Pond New Dam 

Tuftonboro & Wolfeboro,

New Hampshire

Website was updated on 09/07/2024