Website was updated on 06/15/2024

Tuftonboro & Wolfeboro,

New Hampshire

Water Testing Results August 2017

The results from July’s water sampling are now complete.  They pretty much mirror June’s results in that Chloride levels are very low, the pH levels are generally satisfactory and show practically no change, and Total Phosphorus measures are either very low or too low to be detected. The clarity of the pond is good and suspended matter in the water (turbidity) is low.  All in all, the results are excellent.  If you would like more details, please contact Geoff Blackett.

The final results from the Lower Beech Pond water sampling arrived recently.  For the most part, results are in line with previous results with a few exceptions.  As was mentioned previously, the Total Phosphorus readings taken at the Deep Spot (out from the marina) were unusually high in August.  Additionally, Turbidity readings (i.e., the amount of suspended matter in the water) at this spot were also high and the Color measures showed the water to be highly colored.  This again suggests increased levels of organic material in the water.

While it is possible that sampling errors (e.g., stirring up sediment when sampling) might have affected the readings, it could be  that the unusually heavy rainfall in August is at least partially to blame.  In the 48 hours prior to the sampling, over an inch of rainfall had occurred.

While one sampling event does not constitute a trend, these measures will bear watching in the 2019 sampling season.  As always, if anyone has questions or desires more information please send an email to


Water Testing Results July 2017

Water Testing Results July 2018

Test results from the water sampling in August for E.coli and Phosphorus have come back.  While the E.coli results are very good, phosphorus measures at the “Deep Spot” (out from the marina) ranged from “average” in two cases to “excessive” in one.  The phosphorus measurements from the Inlet and Outlet were good (i.e., very low).

No doubt you have read reports of algae blooms due to increased phosphorus in lakes and ponds around the state but this is the first time that I’m aware of that we have had a phosphorus reading other than “good” on Lower Beech Pond.  I can’t point to a single causal factor for the “excessive” reading but runoff from lawn fertilizer, animal wastes, and failing septic systems can contribute. We have also had another hot summer as well as record rainfall in August which may factor in.

While a single instance of raised phosphorus at one location does not constitute a “pattern”, we should be watchful for increased algae growth, particularly cyanobacteria blooms that may impart a green, blue, or pinkish color to the water.  They may also form dense scums on the surface. Should such a bloom be seen, reporting to the state on their cyanobacteria hotline should be done. (603-419-9229). The chances of a cyanobacteria bloom occurring should decrease as the season moves toward fall and air and water temperatures decrease.  

Water Testing Results June 2017

happy to report that the results from Lower Beech Pond water testing in June were all within acceptable ranges, though due to a technical glitch, the eColi tests were not run.

The pH values were in the “Satisfactory” range and the chloride ion level was low. The total phosphorous values were about average and the chlorophyll value was in the “Good” range.
Turbidity was low and the water clarity was excellent.

All in all, the water quality of Lower Beech Pond continues to be good.

the result from the July testing will be reported when they are received. If you desire more detailed information, please contact Geoff Blackett at

The results from July’s water testing have been received and they are consistent with June’s
results. No spikes or areas of obvious concern were noted.

The Total Phosphorus results ranged from “average” to “ideal” while there was no phosphorus
detected at the inlet by Brown Road.

E. Coli measurements at 1st and 2nd beaches were both well within the state guidelines for
swimming beaches.

The PH readings have remained steady, ranging from 6.59 to 6.70 (7.0 is neutral). While this is
slightly acidic, it is normal for water bodies in this area.

As always, water clarity remains very good.

The final samples for the season were taken on August 15th. The results of the analyses will be
posted as soon as they are available.

2018 Final Water Testing Result

Quality of Lower Beech Pond Water

The results from the August water testing have come back and they indicate that the water quality of Lower Beech Pond continues to be excellent.

The average for Total Phosphorus measures was in the "low (good)" range.

The measures for E.Coli ranged well below the state standards for public beaches. 

The water clarity was deemed "excellent' .

The  Chlorophyll-A measures (an indicator of algae abundance) were in the "good" category.

HVPOA monitors the water quality of Lower Beech pond by working with Department of Environmental Services.   The goal is to test the water quality three times a year.  DES recommends June, July and August.   The results of the testing is summarized on this webpage.

Water Testing Results August 2018